Sunday, September 28, 2008

Independent Reading Journal#2

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

The autobiography starts with Benjamin's salutation to his son. Benjamin Franklin is now taking some time off to record his ancestory, and his life. In the first page, he mentioned that although he had gone through great hardships, he likes his life and wants to repeat it. He said, however, if he has such chance, he would correct some errors and mistakes. I totally agree with his thought. Although I haven't lived as long as Benjamin did, I already have things that I regret. If I ever have a chance to turn back my time, then the first thing I would do is to go back to my childhood and learn how to play a instrument and focus on a sport. Since I grew up in a Korean culture, where nothing but academics are encouraged, I thought those (sports, music, and other activities) were meaningless, or even useless. However, these days, I found out that work or studying can't be everything in my life. I asked some of my friends about it, and most of them, surprisingly, agreed with me.